Root Canal Therapy from Your Dentist in Upper Arlington

August 25, 2016

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Deep decay, dental abscess or injury requires root canal therapy from Artistry Smile Center. Root canals save teeth for additional years of service. If possible, saving a damaged or failing tooth is far better than extracting it. Nothing looks, feels or acts like a natural tooth. Upper Arlington root canal treatment from your general dentist, Dr. Angela Courtney, preserves a tooth for added years of service and great smile aesthetics.

What is Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal therapy, also called endodontics, removes infected soft pulp from the interior of a damaged tooth. A tooth has up to four inner chambers, or canals, which extend from the center of the tooth down through the roots. When decay and infection invade this space, throbbing pain, bad breath, drainage, jaw swelling and other symptoms result.

At your dental spa in Upper Arlington, Dr. Angela Courtney and Dr. Samuel Kiner perform root canal therapy. Counter to its reputation, root canal therapy is actually very comfortable and usually takes only two dental visits. Typically, nothing more than local anesthesia (a pain shot) is necessary to make the patient completely comfortable.

The purpose of endodontics is to retain the ailing tooth and to remove the soft tissue inside it. The blood vessels, nerves and connective tissue inside a tooth serve an important function during tooth development. However, the adult tooth can live well without pulp for years. That’s why root canal therapy works.

The Step by Step Process

The dentist uses low-radiation digital x-rays to  visualize the area and diagnose the dental problem so he or she can plan treatment. The doctor also visually inspects the site and takes a complete medical and medication history.

To start the process, the dentist places a thin, protective dam around the tooth. She uses local anesthetic to numb the site. When the individual is comfortable, she drills a very small hole into the tooth, accessing the first root canal.

The dentist uses tiny dental files to clean and smooth the canal. She instills antimicrobial medication to heal infection, and then fills the space with a  rubbery sealant called gutta-percha. As needed, the doctor repeats the procedure on remaining chambers.

Dr. Kiner or Dr. Courtney places a temporary filling over the tooth. After a week or so of healing, the patient comes back to Artistry Smile Center for removal of the temporary restoration and placement of a natural-looking porcelain crown to protect the restored tooth.

Is a “Root Canal” in Your Future?

Without this traditional treatment, a  post-extraction smile gap weakens remaining teeth, allowing them to drift to fill the empty space. Also, the jawbone underneath the gap recedes. In short, endodontics saves teeth, bone, oral function and smile aesthetics.

If you are concerned about a tooth, don’t delay. Contact Artistry Smile Center for an examination. Your gentle and skilled dentist will help you decide what treatment is best for your oral health and for your appearance as well.

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