Summer Activities That Can Damage Your Smile

July 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drcourtney @ 3:09 pm

Woman in swimming pool resting her head on ledgeSummer is here! As you soak up the sun and try to beat the heat, you may unknowingly put yourself at risk of a dental emergency. You may never expect it to happen to you, but 1 in 6 Americans experiences a dental emergency annually. Here are 5 mistakes you should avoid to keep your teeth and gums healthy.

1. Spending Too Much Time in the Pool

Swimming is a great way to stay fit and cool during warmer temperatures, but spending too much time in the pool can harm your teeth. Chlorine is added to pools and hot tubes to kill pathogens. If too much chlorine is used, it can erode your enamel over time. Once your enamel is lost, it is gone for good.

If you spend more than 6 hours per week in chlorinated water, it’s important to safeguard your pearly whites, like rinsing your mouth with water after swimming.

2. Chewing On Ice

If you enjoy chomping on ice during a hot day, you can break or fracture a tooth. Your teeth are protected by the hardest substance in your body, but your enamel isn’t indestructible. 

It’s best to break the habit. If you can’t resist the urge, choose crushed ice. 

3. Overindulging in Sugary Foods and Drinks

There are many cool treats and drinks to enjoy during the summer, but many contain sugar, which feeds cavity-causing bacteria. It’s best to drink water instead of soda, juice, or sports drinks. It will keep your mouth clean and your body hydrated.

Limit your consumption of sugary treats. If you can’t resist your sweet tooth, brush your teeth after you’ve finished.

4. Playing Sports with No Mouthguard

If you enjoy water sports, football, or mountain biking, don’t leave home without an athletic mouthguard. It provides a protective barrier for your teeth and oral structures, which will lower your risk of a dental emergency significantly. 

Whether you’re on the water or land, always wear an athletic mouthguard when participating in any activity that may result in accidents or injuries to your face or mouth.

5. Skipping Your Dental Checkup

Although you have big plans for summer, take time to visit your dentist for your semi-annual cleaning and checkup. They’ll keep your teeth clean and looking their best. They will also examine your mouth to ensure there isn’t anything concerning that may turn into a big problem later.

Give your teeth and gums the attention they deserve. You will have a healthy, beautiful smile that will last long after summer ends.

About Dr. Christy Cox

Dr. Cox earned her dental degree from the Ohio State University College of Dentistry and has regularly pursued continuing education to provide up-to-date services. She has the experience and qualifications to treat the most complex oral health issues, including dental emergencies. If you need a dentist in a hurry, request an appointment online or call (614) 825-3873.

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